Waterproof your Property
By Sarah Barton, Terri Scheer Distribution Channel Manager
Water damage is one of the biggest risks to a landlord’s rental property and can be costly to mop up.
Water dripping through the ceiling, unexplained dampness or a leaking hot water system can result in a water damage claim.
If water damage isn’t identified early, it can impact an insurance claim if it’s found to be a long-term leak.
Prevention is better than cure when it comes to water damage.
Property managers can play a crucial role in helping to protect their landlord’s property from water damage and identify any water-related issues.
Check your water bills
Landlords and property managers should closely review their quarterly water bills for discrepancies.
Unexpected increases in water usage may signal a leaking pipe underground and may require urgent action to address it.
Clear gutters
Clearing gutters should be part of every property’s maintenance routine.
When gutters are blocked with leaves and debris, rainwater has nowhere else to go except to overflow or wash back through the eaves and into the home’s wall cavities.
Property managers can assist their landlords by seeking a professional to regularly clean the gutters at their tenant’s property.
Monitor wet spaces
Leaking sinks and basins can often lead to water damaged cabinetry.
When undertaking regular routine property inspections, property managers should consider checking inside cupboards in wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens for any signs of dampness. For example, dampness can cause timber in drawers and cupboards to swell and warp if not removed.
Bring in the professionals
Organising a certified plumber to inspect your landlord’s property can be worthwhile expense.
Often, they’ll be able to find water-related issues that may be unrecognisable to the landlord or property manager. Plumbers have professional equipment to measure the flow rates of waste water pipes to check whether there’s any out-of-sight blockages.
Landlord insurance
Landlords and property managers who water-proof their properties can help prevent potential damage but sometimes the unforeseen occurs.
Landlords and property managers should protect themselves against these potential risks. Landlord insurance can provide reassurance that they won’t be left out of pocket if their property is damaged.
If a claim is required, property managers can assist their landlords to compile documents including the two most recent routine inspections which occurred prior to the damage, photos of the damage, itemised quotes or invoices and a tradesman’s causation report which determines how the water entered the property.
Always read the PDS in your policy to ensure you are adequately insured.
For further information call 1800 804 016