Supporting customers through flood and storm recovery

Terri Scheer is ready to help and we are working as fast as we can to provide the support you need.

Thank you for your patience during this difficult time. Initially, we’re prioritising customers who are the most vulnerable or need emergency repairs or temporary accommodation as some homes are not safe to live in.

Our Claims Team will be in touch with you soon, however, it will take longer than usual with significant damage across many locations.


What should I do if my carpet, furniture and/or contents are wet?

If your home has been completely or partially inundated with water, or your carpet, furniture or contents have been damaged by rain:

  • Compile a detailed list of items including the make and model or a description.
  • Take photos of the damaged items.
  • Remove the damaged items from inside the home and place outside for disposal.
  • Let us know about the damaged items next time we’re in touch. There is no need to immediately reach out and you do not need to wait for an assessor. Rest assured, we’ll work with you to include all details in your claim.
What happens after I’ve lodged my claim?
  • Our Claims Team will identify the next steps to progress your claim. This may include booking an assessment, repairs, replacements and/or arrange payments.
  • This may take longer than usual but we will be in touch as soon as possible.
  • Remember to take photos or videos of the damage. You can remove wet carpet and damaged contents before an Assessor has visited your home.
How can I follow up my claim?
For an update on your claim or to upload documents and photos, you can email If you’d like to speak to a claims specialist please call us on 1800 804 016.
I have found new damage since lodging my claim
  • lf you find new damage, please make a note, take photos and let us know the next time we’re in touch. There is no need to immediately reach out. Rest assured, we’ll work with you to include all details in your claim.
  • If a different part of your home is damaged by another event, such as the severe storms in late March, please lodge another new claim online.
Can I see a Claims Specialist in person?

Our Customer Support Team is on the ground in some locations and ready to help you face-to-face.

View Locations

Have you been approached by a third party to help you with your claim?

If you need extra support, it can help to know what support is available. Here are some links to helpful information, tools and services:

  • During major events individuals or small businesses often door knock or letter drop offering you a service to manage your insurance claim on your behalf. Please be aware these services are not provided by us, and that we will never send an assessor or builder to your home without first notifying you, and we will never demand payment in addition to your excess for the work being undertaken.
  • If you are approached by a third party, you may be asked to pay for these services via a percentage of your insurance settlement. Customers should ensure they carefully consider the use of these services.
  • If you wish to engage a third party you should always ask for their Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) number (this can be checked against ASIC’s database), for their Financial Services Guide, how much they will charge to assist in the lodgement of your claim, and if they are a member of Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
  • Do not sign any form of contract/authorisation to act on your behalf until you have received any information you have requested.


Beware of SMS Excess Payment Scams
Terri Scheer does not send SMS messages to follow up on excess payments to progress claims. If you receive an SMS message requesting an excess payment, please delete it straight away.

Resilient Homes Fund program

I am a Qld flood effected resident, is there government support available for me?

The $741m Resilient Home Fund program is jointly funded by the Queensland and Australian governments and supports resilience measures in Queensland.

The following events, as prescribed by the government, are covered by the program:

  • 10 November to 3 December 2021 || Central, southern and western rainfall and flooding
  • 29 December 2021 to 10 January 2022 || Ex-tropical cyclone Seth
  • 22 February to 7 March 2022 || South-east Queensland rainfall and flooding.

If your customer is unsure of their eligibility you’re unsure of your eligibility dependant upon the event, please contact the Resilient Home Fund for more information.

How does the program work?
Funding will be used to repair/retrofit, raise, or buy-back homes within local government areas impacted by the above events. These categories are further detailed here.
How do I know if I am eligible?

The government have defined eligibility criteria for the Resilient Home Fund as follows:

  • your home is within one of the local government areas activated for Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements

  • you are the owner-occupier or landlord of the home for which you are applying for funding

  • the home is a residence (house/unit/duplex), not used primarily for business purposes

  • the home was inundated by water in liveable rooms or areas during the 2021–22 rainfall and flooding events listed below:

    • central, southern, and western Queensland rainfall and flooding – 10 November to 3 December 2021
    • ex-tropical cyclone Seth – 29 December 2021 to 10 January 2022
    • south-east Queensland rainfall and flooding – 22 February to 5 April 2022.

Please contact the Resilient Home Fund for more information.

Do I have to, or am I obligated to, apply for a grant?
No. You do not have to apply for a grant. The decision to apply is solely yours. Suncorp has no influence over who is deemed eligible for any grants, the decision rests with the government.
What if my claim is already finalised and I think I might be eligible?
You may wish to register your interest, even if your claim has been finalised.  You will deal with the government directly on all aspects of the program.
Where can I go for more information?
Queensland Government Resilient Home Fund Program